Register Today!!
Undergraduate Golfer: $120.00 Individual Golfer: $ 200.00 Foursome Paying Together: $ 800.00 Foursome Paying Together with a Hole Sponsorship: $1000.00 Includes golf, cart, continental breakfast, door prizes and a buffet lunch. Undergraduates, in good standing, please note chapter and initiation number in notes during PayPal Checkout
Make Checks payable to Pi Kappa Phi Send to Tony Cipolla, 232 Bee Meadow Parkway, Whippany, NJ 07981 OR Venmo @Tony-Cipolla Cancellation Policy:
In the event that you need to cancel, you will be given a full refund up until two weeks before the event. All cancellations after two week before, we cannot guarantee a refund, however in good faith we will make every effort to issue one. To mitigate this issue, we ask that you make an attempt to replace the party canceling, and we will allow party name change. |